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Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers

Altar Servers

The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation, by active participation in the liturgy, and by sitting or standing at the appropriate times. Training sessions and meetings are held periodically. For more information, please get in touch with the Parish Office.

Ministers of Communion

Ministers of Communion

The Eucharist, is the “source and summit of our Christian life.” During Mass we remember Jesus’ sacrifice and celebrate the sacred mystery in union with Christ and one another.

Just as a meal sustains us physically, we need the Eucharist to sustain us spiritually.

In the simple ritual of giving the Eucharistic bread and cup to one another, the minister of communion becomes the means through whom the spirit challenges us to recognize and to manifest the Body of Christ in all his manners of coming. Those involved in this ministry must recognize the reality of Christ already present in his people gathered, if they are to authentically share with them his presence and the bread and cup.


While this is an extension of the Liturgy of the Eucharist to those who are unable to assemble on the Lord’s Day, these ministers are separate from the ministers of Communion during Mass because their ministry is different and requires special training and support.

Ministers of the Word

Ministers of the Word

In proclaiming the Scriptures, the lector becomes the voice through which the Spirit speaks in the worshipping assembly. The ministry of lector is a pivotal one, requiring study, reflection and  a gift for proclamation.

If you would like to become a Minister of the Word, please see one of the priests after Mass.

Music Ministry

Music Ministry

Ministers of Welcome

Ministers of Welcome

By attending Mass on Sundays and the Holy Days of Obligation, we get to join with a community of believers to worship God. Listening to the teachings of Jesus, receiving Holy Communion, and being a part of a community are all things that help strengthen our faith.

The Spirit of God calls us to gather and empowers us to mutual compassion. In welcoming all who respond to the divine invitation, the Minister of Welcome becomes the hand of God through which the Spirit embraces the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of God and molds them into the one Body of Christ. Those involved in this ministry are asked to bring to it humility, warmth, and personal presence, as well as a gift for outreach.

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