DayNativity ReflectionPRAYER GOOD DEED
01-DecStableFrequently during the day offer your heart to the little Infant Jesus. Ask Him to make it His home.Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like Yours - 25 TIMES.Help a poor person in need or pray for poor in the world.
02-DecRoofThe roof should be in good condition, so that Infant Jesus is protected from rain and snow. Jesus, teach me to love my neighbour as myself -25 TIMES.Smile and greet everyone you meet.
03-DecCobwebsClean the cobwebs from your spiritual crib. Jesus, help me to keep temptations out of my heart- 25 TIMES.Make time to visit the Blessed Sacrament.
04-DecMangerFix the best and warmest corner of your heart for the manger of Jesus. Recite the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.Donate food to needy.
05-DecHaySupply the manger of your heart with hay, by overcoming all feelings of pride, anger and envy.Jesus, help me to keep temptations out of my heart- 25 TIMES.Give up a treat you receive.
06-DecSoft StrawProvide your manger with soft straw by performing little acts of mortification.Dear Jesus, Who suffered so much for me, let me suffer for the love of You -25 TIMES.Say a kind word to someone.
07-DecBlanketsProtect our family members from harsh and angry words. Blanket us with kindness and love.Say The St. Michael's Prayer.Be kind and generous to others.
08-DecSwaddling Clothes Prepare these for Jesus by folding your hands when you pray, and praying slowly and thoughtfully. Dear Jesus, close my heart to all that hurts You - 50 TIMES.Call a lonely person.
09-DecFuelEnlighten your heart and mind by reading a passage from the Bible.Jesus, let me do Your will in all things - 50 TIMES.Give a sincere compliment.
10-DecFire Prepare ourselves for Christmas by attending the Advent Mission Day 1.Recite the Rosary.Forgive someone who hurt you.
11-DecProvisionsPrepare ourselves for Christmas by attending the Advent Mission Day 2.Say the Protection Prayer - Psalm 91.Share something you love with others.
12-DecLightBe a light in someone's life by sharing your God experience.  Jesus, be my light, strength and nourishment - 25 TIMES.Be enlightened by reading a scripture passage.
13-DecKeyOpen your heart and exclude from it all sinful thoughts and rash judgments.Say the Penitenrial Act- I Confess.Apologize to God and your neighbour for any wrong doings.
14-DecWaterClean out the dirt and stains from your heart with a good Advent confession.Say the Act of Contrition.Donate to a charity.
15-DecOxSurrender the burden of your worries and anxieties to God and ask for His Help.Surrender Prayer - O Jesus, I surrender myself to you take care of everything - 25 TIMES.Write or say a word of appreciation.
16-DecDonkeyBring hope and strength to others. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can. Spend quality time with family.
17-DecLambsAviod your busyness and be fully present to your family.Psalm 51.Give up social media / one meal.
18-DecShepherdsLike the shepherd, lead a humble life through example.Psalm 23.Call or visit someone sick.
19-DecStarBe a star by leading the people to Jesus.My Jesus, I want to please You in all I do today - 50 TIMES.Assist an elderly person or call your grandparents.
20-Dec3 KingsRule your conscience with conviction and integrity. Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me - 25 TIMES. Help/Assist a newcomer to our parish.
21-DecGifts - Gold, Frankincense & MyrrhUse your gifts and talents to glorify God.Come, Jesus, to accept my gifts and to take possession of my heart- 25 TIMES.Appreciate the people around you.
22-DecAngelProtect those who are close to us and the vulnerable. Holy angels, never let me forget that you are with me always- 25 TIMES.Share a faith story with others.
23-DecMother MarySubmit yourself to the divine plan of God as Mary did.Say Mary's song of Praise Luke 1:46-55.Visit and pray at your church.
24-DecSt. Joseph Learn the virtue of patience from St Joseph to bear your struggles and disappointments for the good of your family. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, model for all Christian families, I entrust my family to your care and protection - 50 TIMES.Be patient to others.
25-DecBaby JesusRejoice for unto us our King and Saviour is born. Come, dear Jesus, come; my heart belongs to You - 25 TIMESReflect and thank God for all the blessings.